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WRIT 107G (General): Professional Communication


This page will help you find reports, articles, and other sources that will provide the context for your final project. 

Searching a Company or Non-Profit

You've found a company or non-profit in your area of interest, great! Now what? Follow the resources below to find more info:

1) Non-profit search:

Search for an individual organization. Sign up for a free account to view 990 IRS forms for funding information.

Great Guide to understanding the IRS 990 form:

Forbes American Top Charities

Charity Navigator


2) Non-profit OR For-profit search:

Nexis Uni

Search "Get Company Info" box by entering in the organization's name or ticker symbol.


3) For-profit search:

Business Source Complete (click link below to access)

Select the "Company Information" tab on the top of the page, enter in the company name or the ticker symbol to get to a company overview page.

Journal Article Databases

Try a combination of these keywords to get you started:

  • "intercultural communicat*" OR "cross-cultural communicat*" AND negotiat* AND Name of country/region
  • "professional communicat*" AND Name of country/region
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