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Monologues and Dialogues: Using Library Search

UC Library Search


UCSB Library Search

Use the Advanced page of Library Search and enter the subject  monologues or dialogues (note that most catalogs and databases use the British spelling of these words). 

You can further refine your search by adding keywords:

monolgues with music
monologues Canadian
monologues children
monologues Shakespeare

The Library Catalog is UC LIBRARY SEARCH

Simple Search

  • Single white box
  • Huge results list
  • Many different types of resources; articles, books and more
  • Best when you are NOT looking for particular types of sources, e.g. - popular, scholarly, primary sources, empirical studies, DVD, etc.
  • Refine results with options on left margin

Advanced search

  • Use for complex searches
  • Many more options
  • Specify Articles books or more (big results list); Resources in the Library (small results list of mostly books); etc.
  • Specify type of resoruce
  • Specify one or more fields - author, title, subject, ISBN
  • Specify publication year, language,  book
  • contains, starts with, exact phrase

Browse Search

  • NOT for keyword searching
  • Use for known item searches - e.g., titles, authors, subject headings

Ultimate Monologue Sourcebook

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