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HIST 174Q - Poverty, Inequality, and Social Justice (Miller, Winter 2025): Recommended Article Databases for this Class

Recommended Article Databases for this Class

How to Interpret Citations

Once you find a useful source, check the bibliography to find other, related sources. How do you know if a citation refers to a book or an article? Here are two quick ways to check:

1. If you see a place of publication, like New York or London, the citation is for a book or book chapter. Example:

   Davis, Thadious M. Games of Property Law, Race, Gender, and Faulkner's Go Down,                        MosesDurham: Duke UP, 2003


2. If you see two titles and coded reference to a volume and issue number, the citation refers to a journal article.              

Jerng, Mark. "The Character of Race: Adoption and Individuation in William Faulkner's Light in August and Charles Chesnutt's The Quarry." The Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory. 64.4 (2008): 69-102.

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