NCSU Tutorials & Interactive Guides
Video Topics Include:
1. Anatomy of a Scholarly Article; 2. Evaluating Sources for Credibility; 3. Citation a (Very) Brief Introduction; 4. One Perfect Source?; 5. Picking Your Topic is Research; 6. From Idea to Library; 7. Peer Review in Three Minutes; 8. Literature Reviews: An Overview for Graduate Students; 9. Anatomy of a Scholarly Article, ...and more!
University of Arizona Tutorials
Video Topics Include:
1. What types of sources do I need; 2. How do I create a search strategy; Should I rethink my search; 3. How do I evaluate online information; 4. How do I give credit to the ideas of others; 5. Popular vs. Scholarly Sources; 6. Anatomy of a Scholarly Article; 7. Mind Mapping for Focusing Your Topic
Video Topics Include:
1. CQ Researcher Tutorial; 2. Opposing Viewpoints Tutorial; Library Search; Academic Search Complete Basics; JSTOR Basics; Basic Search in Google Scholar; Advanced Search in Google Scholar
Interactive Tutorials Include:
1. Picking a Topic; 2. Concept Mapping; 3. Expanding Perspectives; 4. Choosing Keywords; 5. Using Boolean (AND, OR, NOT)